
Published from on 07 Julay 2023

Rasperry danishes - a charming pastry from Denmark

About 500 g of puff pastry (2 packets if premade in a package) 2 packets of cream cheese (total of 250 g) Sugar to taste (about 1 cup) + some to sprinkle on top Raspberries (about 100 or less if crushed) Powdered sugar

First, we roll out the puff pastry (just open it if it was prepackaged). Cut the pastry into indentical squares, each with a side of about 8 cm, then place them on your baking tray with some space between each other. In a bowl mix the cream cheese with the sugar until a silky cream forms. Place a table spoon of the said cream on top of each square and top with as many raspberries you want (tastes best with 3 or 4). You can place them straight into the over or get more creative by folding them in various shapes. There's tens of unique ways to do this and we have attached some in the picture tab in the recipe. Sprinkle with sugar if you wish. Bake at 180 degrees until they get puffy and lightly brown. Sprinkle with powdered sugar when done. Enjoy!